
Bhutan – Pampered in Paro

Flying into Bhutan was a hell of an experience – better than a roller coaster….!  There aren’t many places in central Bhutan where you can put an airport…Paro is an hour from the capital of Thimphu (where there isn’t space for a runway).  They have fit a runway in the Paro valley, but the runway […]

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Lovin’ it in Lahore

There have been multiple terror attacks in Lahore this year, and the week before I arrived there were clashes between anti government protestors and the police.  My first day in town it was the prophet’s birthday – Eid Milad ul-Nabi – and there were 15,000 policemen on the streets of Lahore to prevent any violence…… so,

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Independence in Iraqi Kurdistan

I have felt for the Kurdish people for a long time – one of the largest groups of people in the world without their own homeland. The Kurds in Iraq have managed to carve out a relatively autonomous ‘country’ with clear borders with Iraq and Turkey. However, none of their neighbours want them to be

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A weekend in Baku

Baku – the best and worst of Dubai and Moscow….it made for fascinating weekend. I’d been to Azerbaijan before but hadn’t formally entered the country….hmmmmm, so I thought I better make a return visit. After a 4.5 hour Friday overnight flight on Azerbaijan Airlines with not much sleep, I arrived in Baku at 6am local

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Bangladesh – Gossiping in Dhaka

I love being on the subcontinent…. , everything smells pungently of incense, curry spices and sweat!  Traffic lanes don’t exist in Bangladesh and every journey is a crazy game of chicken between gutsy rickshaw wallahs, dented buses, aggressive tuktuks and the pristine cars of the wealthy.  It’s a constant cacophony of horns. Crossing the street on foot

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South Korea – 23 hours in Seoul

Convoluted layovers used to really annoy me….. I still don’t love them but I have learnt to better exploit the opportunity to spend some time somewhere interesting.  As part of my 51 hour trip to Yap in Micronesia I spent a lovely 23 hours in Seoul.  Blissful! Seoul is a fantastic town and you can

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Places to Return to – Iran

I had been trying to go for Iran for a while, but hubby was adamant it was not a great holiday destination.  Eventually he relented when there was a change of government and things loosened up a bit with international relations.  He even came with me!  As it turns out, we think it was probably

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