Thwarted Thatcher Coup…

May 14, Ibis, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea Before visiting all I really knew about Equatorial Guinea was the thwarted coup attempt against President Obiang funded by Margaret Thatcher’s son in 2004 (a.k.a the Wonga coup), for which he pleaded guilty (eventually) and was given a four year suspended sentence and a $500k fine in South Africa. […]

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Sticky, icky and frenetic

May 12,  Star Land Hotel, Douala, Cameroon The Lonely Planet aptly describes Douala as ‘sticky, icky and frenetic’. True dat.   I would also add ‘ cacaphonic’ (not an actual word but an apt descriptor), as there is a constant background honk of horns. Arriving at Douala airport, I was impressed by the levels of filth and how badly it

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Potentially the worlds greatest wildlife destination, but I wasn’t going to find out…..

May 9, Royal Palm Hotel, Libreville, Gabon In the next of a series of mad dictatorships – welcome to Gabon.  Omar Bongo was president for 42 years from 1967 until he died in 2009.  The reins were taken up by his son Ali Bongo who has been in power since, ‘winning’ the 2009 election with 42%

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The other Congo!

May 8,  Mikhail’s Hotel, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo A lovely day wandering around Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo – the formerly french one, a.ka. Congo Brazzaville (not to be confused with the Democratic Republic of Congo – the formerly Belgian one, historically called Zaire). It was weird arriving here yesterday, the flight was 40

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Border Bullsh!t

May 5, La Grande Barrier, Goma Gisenyi I struggle to understand what turns reasonable human beings into dictatorial a-holes when given a uniform, a badge and a position of power.   Upon arriving at the Rwandan border this morning, the guard threw my NZ passport across the desk when I said that I hadn’t requested

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The gates of hell

May 4, Nyiragongo Summit Shelters – Democratic Republic of Congo After a relaxing couple of nights doing precisely nada at Mikeno lodge in the heart of the Virunga National Park, we roused ourselves early this morning to prep our gear for the climb up Nyiragongo summit (3470m), home of Africa’s largest lava lake.  The volcano

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